Author Archives: Kamil Piers

10 Ways to Save Money When Preparing for a New Baby

Bringing a new baby home is cause for much celebration and joy! Unfortunately, it can also bring stress when you are trying to figure out your new budget, the upfront cost of buying everything your baby needs, and hospital bills.

I am here today to try and alleviate some of that stress by giving you 10 ways you can save money when you’re expecting!

I co-wrote this post with Kara from Little Bee Blog so after you read this post, head over to her blog and check it out. You will find activities for kids, and tons of advice and resources for parents.

These 10 tips will give you an idea for ways to save money in the upcoming months before your baby arrives!

1. Don’t buy everything at once.

I can’t tell you how many things we bought for our first born that we didn’t even end up using until she was 6 months to a year old! Most of them could have waited to be purchased until after she was a few months old and we really knew what we wanted. Really think about what your baby will use immediately. Your list shrinks dramatically when you think through that lens.

2. Shop consignment sales.

Huge consignment sales happen all the time if you just look for them! Even if you live in a small town, chances are there is one that happens a few times a year relatively close to you. And they will have all things baby! In fact, 0-6 month clothes are probably the most in stock at these things. Babies grow so fast that they probably only wore outfits a few times and so this can be an opportunity to really stock up and save.

This is also a great place to look for big purchases. Often, you can find great strollers, beds, blankets, play mats, etc. here.

Don’t forget to consider purchasing from Facebook Marketplace, friends or other resellers. I’ve made this one a little easier for you, and you can shop second-hand baby clothes that I have personally sourced and checked for quality. 

3. Stock up slowly.

One good thing about having time to prepare for a new baby is just that: having time!! You have 9 months to begin gathering supplies and decide which products and items you want to use. 

A helpful thing to do to start slowly building up your stash is to start early on! Everytime you go to the grocery store, grab a pack of wipes or diapers (or both) and by the time your baby arrives you will have a good stash built up. 

A word of caution though — babies are not in newborn size diapers for long! If you’re going to stock up, I would mostly grab size 1’s and some 2’s. 

It’s also a good idea to keep your receipts and not open any of them yet in case you grab too many of one size and need to return them or sell them to someone else. 

4. Take all the help you can get.

It’s hard to ask for help. For some reason our pride can really get in the way here. But the truth is, most people would welcome the chance to be able to help out with anything you need. 

If you’re a working mom who doesn’t have time to browse thrift stores or consignment sales, find someone who wouldn’t mind going looking for you!

If you need help organizing or want a second opinion on a decorating style, ask someone to come over and help out! 

Put your pride aside and welcome others into your journey. You’ll be amazed at how much other moms are willing (and wanting) to be there for you in any way they can. 

5. Meal plan

Meal planning is a great way to organize your budget. Groceries are most likely one of your largest expenses aside from housing and so it’s important to know how much you are spending each month. 

Meal planning will not only help you save money, but can also help you eat better, reduce waste and save time! 

Check out my tips here on How to Meal Plan Like a Pro. I give you some free meal planning worksheets and theme ideas for each day of the week. 

6. Consider cloth diapering

Cloth diapering is a way to really save in the long run. With a small initial investment, cloth diapering can save you thousands. Not sure cloth diapering is right for you? Check out Fluff Love University to dig in a bit deeper. You can also check out my video on cloth diaper wash routine to get a visual on the process of cloth diapering. 

7. Make do without.

It’s easy to get sucked into the brilliantly beautiful nursery decor that people post about on social media. But the truth is, 90% of the things they have are unnecessary for your baby to thrive.

What matters the most are the basics. Stick with what you can afford and what your budget allows. The rest can wait! 

8. Rent or Borrow items 

This is especially relevant to larger ticket items that you are unsure if your baby will like. Expensive bassinets like the snoo can be rented by the month, which is perfect because you only use it for a few months, and your baby may not even like it. 

You can also borrow items from friends or family for the same reason.

9. Shop online/holiday sales

I suggest shopping holiday sales for larger purchases such as cribs, carseats and strollers. Do your research early so you know what you want, that way when it goes on sale you can grab it.

10.  Put it on your registry

You can put almost anything on your registry. From newborn needs, to postpartum essentials. Adding essentials to your registry allows your friends and family to support you and your new baby and gift you items that will help your transition into motherhood. 

If you are wondering what to add to your registry, and what you actually need for your baby check out my posts on 0-3 month essentials and 3-6 month essentials and start your registry here!

Like any advice you are given about motherhood and parenting, just take what makes sense and will work for your family. Create a plan and budget, and stick to it! 

What are some ways you saved money when your baby was on the way. Leave it in the comments below so you can help another mama out.


Minimalist Birth Center Bag Check List

Packing for a birth center delivery is not much different than packing for the hospital, but you do need less because you will be there for a shorter amount of time.

I don’t where you are in your pregnacy, but I hope I caught you at the begining of your research so you this is the only blog you need to read.

I’ve included everything necessary for you, your baby, and your support person so you will all be prepared! I will make this quick because I know you are preparing and nesting, and I want you to get back to that!

If you prefer to watch and listen versus read I have linked my youtube video on “What’s in my birth center bag” here for you.

For Mom

  1. The bag: You don’t need to get a special bag. Grab one that you already have, or use your diaper bag. If you haven’t purchased a diaper bag yet, here is a super simple one, or you can get a super trendy one, both are available on amazon.
  2. Essential oils or spray: Essential oils and spray can be calming while you are in labor. I chose lavender scented room spray. But there are variety of different scents that can be used.
  3. Wireless headphones: Most of the world owns AirPods, but if you are like me and do not own a pair here’s a cheaper alternative that I’ve found work great
  4. Toiletries: You only need the basics. Tooth brush & toothpaste, deodorant, hair brush, hair ties, chapstick, lotion and body wash. You aren’t at the center long. You don’t need pads or depends, the center will have plenty.
  5. Camera: and the charger.
  6. Underwear, nursing bras & nursing pads: Comfortable cotton underwear (you’ll be able to use these postpartum as well) and a nursing bra. I recommend reusable ones because you can purchase less and they don’t stick to you like the disposable ones.
  7. Nursing gown
  8. Swim top or something you can get wet in: You may want to labor in the water so have an appropriate outfit just incase.
  9. Socks or slippers: Make sure the socks are non-slip so you can walk around in them.
  10. Going home outfit: A loose sundress if it is warmer weather, or a loose two-piece set for cooler weather.
  11. Water bottle & snacks

For Baby

  1. Onesies: Keep it simple with these. You won’t be at the center long and you will probably have a different outfit for photos and going home. Grab some plain white onesies or if you like to shop second-hand, grab some gender neutral onesies here. Pack some pants if it’s cool weather also.
  2. Coming home outfit
  3. Announcement plaque
  4. Receiving blankets: One of the nurses will show you to swaddle with the blanket if you need help.
  5. Easy to use swaddle
  6. Carseat & newborn insert

For your support person

  1. Comfortable lounge clothes
  2. Something to get wet in, for if they join you in the pool.
  3. Important documents and paper work for mom and baby
  4. Charger
  5. Sandals or slippers
  6. Toiletries
  7. Entertainment

I hope this helps you get your bag packed! Comment below and let me know if there is something I missed.


3rd Trimester To-Do List

You’re probably thinking how did I get here so quickly, my baby is coming so soon! By now the nursery is probably painted, your babymoon is booked and your baby shower is in a few weeks!

Even being quarantined and working from home I feel like my pregnancy flew by. I’m watching my 8 month old play as I type this and it’s so crazy that we ate here. “The days are long but the years are short” couldn’t be any more true!

Now that there are only a few months until you meet your new baby, there are a few things you’ll want to make sure you get done. This list is a little longer than my 1st trimester and 2nd trimester checklist, but a lot of the tasks are simple, and some will probably require someone to help you.

1. Wash your baby’s clothes: Specifically the ones that are newborn and 0-3 month size. The first few weeks home ate such a blur, do yourself a favor and knock it out early so you won’t be concerned with it when your baby is here.

2. Set up your baby’s sleeping arrangement: Whether it’s a crib or bassinet, in your room or not. Go ahead and put it together and put it in the location you plan on using it. I highly recommend purchasing a bassinet. It is super convenient having your baby close to you in those first few weeks, and even for a couple of months.

3. Purchase postpartum supplies: I’ll have an entire post coming out soon about what products you need for postpartum.

4. Finalize maternity leave paperwork: Call HR make sure they have everything necessary. You’ll have to call and add your baby’s information when she’s born but that should be a quick call.

5. Install car seat: At 8 months pregnant you’ll prob need some help with this. But it’s a good idea to have it installed by 37 weeks incase your baby decides to come early.

We decided that an infant car seat would be best and purchased the Graco snug ride. It’s easy to click into the jogging stroller without taking the baby out.

6. Schedule newborn photos: You won’t know an exact date but you can tentatively schedule with your photographer, pay your retainer and pick out outfits for you family and baby.

7. Select and confirm pediatrician: Did you know some pediatricians have waitlists? I did not, and we didn’t get our first choice. I am happy with who we chose, but I did have to do further research due to waitlists.

8. Pack hospital bag: I know I packed my bag super early, but I was excited, anxious and nervous. All the new mom feels.

Try having your bag ready around 37-38 weeks, again incase your baby decides to come early.

In this video I’ve included everything you should pack in your hospital (or in my case birth center) bag.

9. Create labor playlist: I only remember listening to music in the first couple of hours or labor. But it’s a good idea to have one ready incase you decide to want music.

10. Download contraction app: Download it and make sure you know how to use it!

11. Make freezer meals: My husband and I did this around 37 weeks and it was such a life saver. We did enough meals for the first 2 weeks and it made things super easy.

The first few weeks you have to navigate your day around feedings every 2 hours, so it was really nice to be able to pop something into the oven quickly.

12. Wash and sterilize bottles and pacifiers: Even if you plan on breastfeeding make sure you sanitize and have everything ready. A few different types of bottles, and pacifiers (since you won’t know what baby may like). You may decide not to breastfeed, not be able to, or decide formula, or decide you need a break and want dad to give baby a bottle. Whatever it is, it’s better to be prepared.

*this post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. As always, thank you for your support!

13. Purchase nursing pajamas: There are a ton of options. Whether you prefer a short set, nursing gown, or a button up, make sure your grab a couple. With frequent feedings you’ll want something that’s easy to open.

14. Arrange care for other children or pets: if you have other children, I’m sure it won’t slip your mind to find care for them. But care for your pets is just as important. Have a plan for your other children and/or pets so you won’t be concerned with it when you go into labor. Make sure your partner or support person knows the plan as well.

15. Purchase breastfeeding supplies and order breast pump: My insurance provided a breast pump, but I had to show proof of birth first.

One thing I did not consider was a manual breast pump. This came in handy when my milk supply was coming in and I had not received my electric pump yet. Also make sure to grab a haakaa! Even at 8 months I still use this occasionally.

You’ve got this mama! You are the best mom for your baby, and while there are a lot of things to check off your todo list don’t be overwhelmed. Ask for help when you need it!

I created this community so that moms could discuss marriage and motherhood, so if you have a question leave it below. Myself or another mom will do our best to help you out!

What’s something you wanted to make sure you did during your third trimester? Let’s talk about it below.


2nd Trimester To-Do List

Hopefully by now the morning sickness isn’t as bad. If you’re still having morning sickness stay strong mama, it shouldn’t last much longer.

Second trimester is commonly referred to as the best trimester. It’s often called the honeymoon phase because most moms are back to feeling normal. You’re able to eat again, and you have more energy. During the second trimester most moms announce their pregnancy, start showing and start to feel baby kick!

During your second trimester it’s important get things done that you may be to tired or uncomfortable to do during your third trimester. Here’s a list of things you’ll want to tackle, but please remember this is based on my experience. I am not an expert, but I hope this list can get you started.

1. Schedule your anatomy scan: This is typically done around 18 weeks. It’s where you will find out the gender of your baby, and probably the first time you’ll see your baby actually look like a baby.

We did not want to know the gender of our baby, but we still have the anatomy scan to make sure baby P was developing well.

Old wives tales gender predictions

2. Plan your gender reveal: If you’re finding out the gender you won’t want to wait long, so make sure you start planning as soon as you get your 18 week ultra sound.

3. Start thinking of names: You probably already have a couple in mind for each gender, start to narrow down your choices.

4. Start your maternity wardrobe: I’m not necessarily referring to maternity clothes. But clothes that you’re going to be comfortable in as your belly grows. Last thing you want is to not fit your pants, and then have to wait for 2 days for them to come in.

I never wore traditional maternity clothes. Due to the pandemic I was working from home, so I didn’t have to get dressed. If you go into the office that may be different. I stuck to simple outfits that I could still wear after pregnant. A lot of t-shirt dresses, and seamless workout sets. After a few weeks postpartum the workout sets were great as well because they were easy to breastfeed in and provided support on my belly and not to much on my breasts.

5. Start your baby registry: I used an Amazon registry. It was convenient for me to add items and easy for anyone to purchase for us. Click here if you’re ready to start your registry now, and make sure you check out my 0-3 month and 3-6 month amazon must haves when you do!

6. Start with stretch mark prevention: I used a combination of Earth mama products and homemade moisturizer. The key is to keep your skin moisturized. I did not have stretch marks on my belly, only my things but when my skin was dry it was uncomfortable. This is particularly important if you’re pregnant during the summer,

7. Think about maternity leave: How many weeks do you get? Will you take it all at once? Do you have FMLA? Do you qualify for short term disability? These are all questions you should know before you have your baby, and your HR department will be able to help you through it. There is a lot of paperwork involved, so don’t want until the last minute.

8. Start planning your baby shower: This will probably be done for you, but you’ll want to help out by providing a guest list, theme, date and letting them know where you’re registered.

9. Start your nursery: You have probably been thinking about this since the day you found out you were pregnant. Although you probably aren’t quite ready to decorate you’ll want to start thinking about your budget and theme. What space will you use? What furniture will you need to buy? Can you buy any items second-hand?

10. Plan your babymoon: Due to covid we could not plan anything extravagant. But we were able to get away for a quick beach trip and I’m so glad we did! Again, due to covid we didn’t leave for months after our daughter was born, so I am glad we had that quick getaway.

Sure, there is a lot to do but above all enjoy your pregnancy. Take all the photos and do all the pregnancy things! Our bodies are almost magically, they allow us to grow and birth a human and then get back to business.

What are some things you felt were important to get done in the second trimester? Let me know in the comments.


1st Trimester To-Do List

Congratulations on your pregnancy mama! This is such an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. Here’s a quick list of some things you should do after you find out you’re pregnant.

You’ve taken a pregnancy test at home and got a positive, so now what? I know finding out you’re pregnant causes an overwhelming flow of more emotions, but I hope this list helps you feel prepared for your first trimester.

1. Tell someone: Tell your partner, or your support person. Some people like to wait until it’s confirmed, but you’ll want someone to share the joy with! Or someone to lean on if something happens with your pregnancy.

2. Confirm pregnancy with your doctor: The doctor will confirm your pregnancy with a urine test, and have you make an appointment with your OBGYN or refer you to one if you don’t have one.

3. Start taking prenatal vitamins: If you were trying to conceive it’s likely you’ve already been taking prenatal vitamins. But if you haven’t been, start now! I took Deva Vegan prenatals, b-12 and D3 per my midwife recommendation. Make sure you consult with your healthcare provider about which vitamins will be most beneficial for you.

4. Switch up your diet: Personally I’m vegan, so the traditional list of food to avoid while pregnant mostly didn’t apply to me. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine which foods you should stay away from during your pregnancy.

If you’re interested in what I ate pregnant and vegan check out this video.

5. Schedule birth classes: Many birth classes require up front payment and can book up fast, so make sure you lock in the ones you want early on.

6. Prepare for morning sickness: Most moms experience morning sickness. However, the intensity can differ between women and even between pregnancies for the same woman. A few things to help you overcome morning sickness are:

Ginger candy

Anti-nausea band

Crackers and mild food

Preggie pops

Essential oil

Small meals throughout the day

7. Order your pregnancy pillow: You probably won’t be showing for a few months. It’s likely you’ll be uncomfortable far before you’re showing, grab a pregnancy pillow in the first few weeks so that you can get some much needed sleep.

8. Start you’re pregnancy journal: I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t keep up with mine. But I do wish I had it to look back one. Amazon has various pregnancy journals you can choose from.

*this post may contain affiliate links and I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always thank you for you support.

*this post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always thank you for your continued support.

9. Pregnancy books: There are a ton of pregnancy books available to moms. From a quick amazon search you can discover the best reviews, make sure you grab dad a book too.

10. Purchase your pregnancy announcement props: Whether you choose the chalkboard or bump stickers, go ahead and purchase them now and start taking photos.

Although I took a lot of photos I still wish I took more.

Morning sickness will slowly start to fade after the first trimester. You will start to show and feel your baby move soon, so hang in there mama!

Congratulations again! Be sure to check out my 0-3 month and 3-6 month must-haves when you start creating your baby registry.

And when you’re ready my 2nd Trimester To-Do List and 3rd Trimester To-do List are available to help prepare you for the next two trimesters.


3-6 Month Baby Necessities For A Minimalist

Hey mama! If you’re here because you’re working on your registry make sure to check out my minimalist list for 0-3 months too. I go into detail about what worked for us during the newborn months (and provide direct links).

Okay, now why you’re here. 3-6 month necessities for a minimalist..

By three months my daughter was really curious. She was taking short naps, rolling over and trying to sit up. After 3 months she learned so much, so quickly. Sitting up, crawling and eating solids. A lot happened in a short amount of time and because of that this list is all over the place. But I still kept it minimal. Most of the items listed made parenting a little bit easier (at least it did for us). Whether it’s a safe place for your baby to sit, or something to entertain your baby, these were all must-haves for us.

Bouncer seat

We purchased the Mamaroo and my daughter used it three times. The fisher price bouncer seat was more practical and she enjoyed it more. It is an affordable option, but there are some really sleek bouncers also.

Foam play mat

When my daughter started learning to crawl I wanted to get something soft she could move on. I was really hesitant about buying a foam mat because we have 2 dogs and I didn’t want have to pick up the pieces everyday to clean it. But when I saw this I knew it would work perfect. This mat is only 6 large pieces so it’s easy to pick up and put back together.

I also plan on using it for working out when she’s done with it because it’s a nice simple gray design.

Silicone feeder

I absolutely love this feeder ( and so do over 1 million people on Pinterest). I looked into feeders pretty early because my daughter was teething and liked to feed herself. Around 4.5 months I started putting frozen breastmilk cubes into the feeder and she loved it! Around 6 months I started adding fruit, and she still loves at 8 months.

I love this feeder in particular because it’s easy to clean. If you can’t tell I’m obsessed and definitely think it’s a must for your teething baby and when starting solids.

Booster floor seat

Once we stopped using the bouncer seat we started using the floor seat. The specific seat we have isn’t available (because I purchased second hand) but I’ve linked a similar one on Amazon. It’s super easy to clean and move around the house as needed.

Baby carrier

A more structured carrier than the moby, and one a little simpler. I love the Infantino carrier because it is lightweight, affordable and it can easily be switched between my husband and I.

I wear it around the house or out in the store. I’ve used it carrying my daughter forward and backwards. I have not used it carrying her on my back, but that is an option for this 4-in-1 carrier.

Activity mat

It is easy to move around the house and take on-the-go. When we go somewhere she has a clean space to play, and all the toys attached keep her occupied.

Snuggle Me Organic

I know, I know. I’ve already mentioned the snuggle me, but my daughter used it until 4 months and I think it was crucial for bedtime!

This is a pricer items so see if you can borrow it from a friend to try it out or put it on your registry so someone can purchase it for you.

I used Amazon to register for all of our daughters items. For us it was the quickest and easiest. Amazon is also super easy for other people to shop and send gifts directly to your house. Click here to start your registry!

Sleep sack

When your baby starts to roll over it is no longer safe for them to be swaddle. Putting them in a sleep sack still provides the womb like comfort and allows them the freedom to roll over.

Baby monitor

At 3 months we were more into a routine and bedtime usually meant we could lay our daughter down and relax or get things done around the house. Having a video baby monitor gave me a piece of mind while she was sleeping.

Board books

We started reading to my daughter when she was about a week old. But between 3-6 months she actually started to pay attention. Here are a few household favorites:

Going to Bed Book

I Love You Little Pookie

Little Pookie

Night Night, Little Pookie

Spooky Pookie

Alice in Wonderland

You can also purchase book second-hand on Amazon. So before you checkout make sure to see if that’s an option.

I know it’s easier said than done but don’t let shopping for your baby overwhelm you. My advice is purchase what you can second-hand and put the rest on your registry. Amazon allows for people to donate towards larger items as well, so make sure you put everything on there!

*this post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.

What are some items you felt were necessary for your baby for 3-6 months. Leave it in the comments and help some other mamas out!


20 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Mommy Influencer

So many moms have redefined the terms working mom & stay at home mom. Women have used social platforms like Instagram and TikTok to create lifestyles where they earn an income and also have a flexible schedule to be home with their kids.

Women (moms) are making 6 figures, sometimes more, by blogging or vlogging about their life and personal experiences as a mom.

If you’re here I can only assume that there is a special woman in your life who is a mommy influencer and you’re looking for the perfect gift. Well you’re at the right place! Below I’ve listed 20 things that’s she’s sure to love. Most things are to further her business and help her with creating content, but there are also a few self-care items and some trendy ones as well.

This post contains some affiliate links and I do receive a small commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. However, I’ve also linked some small businesses that are owned by moms. Making a purchase from them let’s them know you like what they are doing, and to keep going!

Continue reading

0-3 Month Baby Necessities for a Minimalist

Like many first time moms, I spent months looking for the most recommended and best baby products for my daughter. Since we didn’t know the gender I wanted to focus on what we needed rather than what we wanted.

I probably spent hundreds of hours watching YouTube videos and reading blogs to get my registry together. I was overwhelmed, the truth is you really only need the basics, and the rest is for your own convenience (and there is nothing wrong with that). Your baby sleeps so much the first 3 months so there aren’t too many things you need.

Here are the items that I think made my transition into motherhood easier. Obviously this is just my opinion what works for you and your baby may be different but hopefully this is a start.

Zipper Sleepers or Kimono sleep sacks

No matter the season zipper sleepers are a must. Babies pee a lot which means you change them a lot, and sometimes change their clothes a lot. I purchased most of our zipper sleepers second-hand, but there are some that I purchased from amazon as well.

I specifically listed zipper sleepers or sleep sacks because they are easy to take off or lift up for middle of the night diaper changes. They also don’t require you to pull them over your baby’s head. My daughter hates (still does) clothes being pulled over her head.

I recommend shopping second-hand where you can for these items, babies grow quickly and they aren’t in them too long. I have linked second-hand sleepers and some from Amazon if you prefer to shop new.

Snuggle Me Organic

My daughter was 4 weeks when we finally purchased a snuggle me. Although it is not recommended to let the baby sleep in it, we did. And she slept in it until about 4 months. I can’t tell you if you should or shouldn’t let your child sleep in it, I can just tell you what worked for us.

We used this for everything. Bedtime, naps and just mid-day lounging when we needed a safe place to put her.

The price is the reason we did not get one right away, but we became desperate at bedtime and it is definitely a purchase that I do not regret.

I purchased our snuggle me from FaceBook Marketplace. But you can also order it from Amazon for 2-day delivery.

Bedside Bassinet

Before Korbin was born we did not decide if we would be co-sleeping or not, but wanted to purchase a bassinet so that she had a safe place to sleep. Since the day we brought her home she’s done a little bit of both. The first 3 weeks she woke up often, but always went back to sleep in her bassinet (hence the purchase of the snuggle me).

I loved this bassinet because it has a modern design and is tall enough for you to be able to roll over and see or pick up your baby. It is also super affordable with a price point under $100.

A lot of muslin blankets

These blankets have so many uses. During the first few months they mainly serve as swaddles. But after you stop swaddling you can still use them as blankets, car seat or nursing covers and burp clothes. I know I say this a lot but I am all about that gender neutral design. I also really loved these black and white ones because we used them to catch Korbin’s attention and get her to move her head back and fourth.

Moby Wrap or a soft baby carrier

I was so excited to baby wear. I chose the Moby wrap because it could easily be adjusted for myself or my husband. It is basically a long piece of fabric that tie around yourself (check out a YouTube video for instructions). Baby wearing is very convenient. It allows you to get things done around the house, take a walk or calm a fussy baby. I loved it and my daughter loved it as well. She always fell asleep when I was wearing her.

Short sleeved & long sleeve onesies. Or these super cute onesies

I think most moms would agree that your baby mostly wears onesies the first couple of months. Onesies can easily be paired with different bottoms depending on the occasion.

My daughter gets very hot when she sleeps so putting her in a onesie was a super easy way to layer her outfits.

I’m an advocate for keeping babies in onesies because they are simple and comfortable for your baby. I purchased most of my daughters onesies second-hand (babies grow so fast), but you can also find really cute colorful baby girl onesies on amazon and some cute little boy onesies.

When my daughter wasn’t in a sleeper she was in a onesie. She had a combination of short sleeve and long sleeve. She only had about 10-12, because we washed often.

Stroller travel system

I am obsessed with our Graco travel system. We have the fast action jogger. It is a large stroller but we wanted to be able to use it for walks and runs often. Graco has a lot of options for strollers and joggers. The Graco fast action stroller, modes 2.0 jogger and stroller are the other travel systems we considered.

Since we were (are) still in a pandemic we didn’t go out much. But I still enjoyed the convenience of taking her entire car seat and clicking it into her stroller. You can typically use your infant car seat up until a year, so for us it was worth it.

Infant bath

We used the angelcare bath until about 6 months, when our daughter was sitting up on her own.

I went back and fourth on the angelcare bath and the flower for the sink. I ultimately went with the bath because I figured it would be easier to bathe her in the bathtub rather than the sink. We don’t have a large sink and a lot of reviews stated that it was difficult to dry the flower. To be completely transparent, reviews of the angelcare bath stated that you had to fill the tub up a lot, and that is true. But it allows your baby to lay back at an angle, and they can still kick and move their arms and legs.

Black & White books

My mother in law purchased these books for my daughter, and they were recommended by her pediatrician. She told us they were good to catch her attention and work on her head control. We started using them around 1 month during tummy time.

Cradle cap brush

The hospital will probably give you one, but incase you misplace it this one is pretty comparable. My daughter had a really dry scalp the first few weeks after she was born. This brush came in handy then, and still does.

Comotomo bottles

Comotomo and Playtex bottles are the only ones my daughter liked. When it comes to bottles the best thing to do is to get one or two of each (literally) see what your baby likes.

Although I breastfeed my daughter, I also work overnight so she takes bottles when I’m at work. The amount of bottles you’ll need will depend on if you breastfeed, formula feed or pump or any combination of all three.

Activity Gym

A simple wooden gym so that you can play with your newborn. You can move the the toys back and fourth so that your baby can follow with her head and eyes. And by 3 months they will probably be reaching for the toys them self.

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