Minimalist Birth Center Bag Check List

Packing for a birth center delivery is not much different than packing for the hospital, but you do need less because you will be there for a shorter amount of time.

I don’t where you are in your pregnacy, but I hope I caught you at the begining of your research so you this is the only blog you need to read.

I’ve included everything necessary for you, your baby, and your support person so you will all be prepared! I will make this quick because I know you are preparing and nesting, and I want you to get back to that!

If you prefer to watch and listen versus read I have linked my youtube video on “What’s in my birth center bag” here for you.

For Mom

  1. The bag: You don’t need to get a special bag. Grab one that you already have, or use your diaper bag. If you haven’t purchased a diaper bag yet, here is a super simple one, or you can get a super trendy one, both are available on amazon.
  2. Essential oils or spray: Essential oils and spray can be calming while you are in labor. I chose lavender scented room spray. But there are variety of different scents that can be used.
  3. Wireless headphones: Most of the world owns AirPods, but if you are like me and do not own a pair here’s a cheaper alternative that I’ve found work great
  4. Toiletries: You only need the basics. Tooth brush & toothpaste, deodorant, hair brush, hair ties, chapstick, lotion and body wash. You aren’t at the center long. You don’t need pads or depends, the center will have plenty.
  5. Camera: and the charger.
  6. Underwear, nursing bras & nursing pads: Comfortable cotton underwear (you’ll be able to use these postpartum as well) and a nursing bra. I recommend reusable ones because you can purchase less and they don’t stick to you like the disposable ones.
  7. Nursing gown
  8. Swim top or something you can get wet in: You may want to labor in the water so have an appropriate outfit just incase.
  9. Socks or slippers: Make sure the socks are non-slip so you can walk around in them.
  10. Going home outfit: A loose sundress if it is warmer weather, or a loose two-piece set for cooler weather.
  11. Water bottle & snacks

For Baby

  1. Onesies: Keep it simple with these. You won’t be at the center long and you will probably have a different outfit for photos and going home. Grab some plain white onesies or if you like to shop second-hand, grab some gender neutral onesies here. Pack some pants if it’s cool weather also.
  2. Coming home outfit
  3. Announcement plaque
  4. Receiving blankets: One of the nurses will show you to swaddle with the blanket if you need help.
  5. Easy to use swaddle
  6. Carseat & newborn insert

For your support person

  1. Comfortable lounge clothes
  2. Something to get wet in, for if they join you in the pool.
  3. Important documents and paper work for mom and baby
  4. Charger
  5. Sandals or slippers
  6. Toiletries
  7. Entertainment

I hope this helps you get your bag packed! Comment below and let me know if there is something I missed.


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