1st Trimester To-Do List

Congratulations on your pregnancy mama! This is such an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. Here’s a quick list of some things you should do after you find out you’re pregnant.

You’ve taken a pregnancy test at home and got a positive, so now what? I know finding out you’re pregnant causes an overwhelming flow of more emotions, but I hope this list helps you feel prepared for your first trimester.

1. Tell someone: Tell your partner, or your support person. Some people like to wait until it’s confirmed, but you’ll want someone to share the joy with! Or someone to lean on if something happens with your pregnancy.

2. Confirm pregnancy with your doctor: The doctor will confirm your pregnancy with a urine test, and have you make an appointment with your OBGYN or refer you to one if you don’t have one.

3. Start taking prenatal vitamins: If you were trying to conceive it’s likely you’ve already been taking prenatal vitamins. But if you haven’t been, start now! I took Deva Vegan prenatals, b-12 and D3 per my midwife recommendation. Make sure you consult with your healthcare provider about which vitamins will be most beneficial for you.

4. Switch up your diet: Personally I’m vegan, so the traditional list of food to avoid while pregnant mostly didn’t apply to me. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine which foods you should stay away from during your pregnancy.

If you’re interested in what I ate pregnant and vegan check out this video.

5. Schedule birth classes: Many birth classes require up front payment and can book up fast, so make sure you lock in the ones you want early on.

6. Prepare for morning sickness: Most moms experience morning sickness. However, the intensity can differ between women and even between pregnancies for the same woman. A few things to help you overcome morning sickness are:

Ginger candy

Anti-nausea band

Crackers and mild food

Preggie pops

Essential oil

Small meals throughout the day

7. Order your pregnancy pillow: You probably won’t be showing for a few months. It’s likely you’ll be uncomfortable far before you’re showing, grab a pregnancy pillow in the first few weeks so that you can get some much needed sleep.

8. Start you’re pregnancy journal: I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t keep up with mine. But I do wish I had it to look back one. Amazon has various pregnancy journals you can choose from.

*this post may contain affiliate links and I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always thank you for you support.

*this post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always thank you for your continued support.

9. Pregnancy books: There are a ton of pregnancy books available to moms. From a quick amazon search you can discover the best reviews, make sure you grab dad a book too.

10. Purchase your pregnancy announcement props: Whether you choose the chalkboard or bump stickers, go ahead and purchase them now and start taking photos.

Although I took a lot of photos I still wish I took more.

Morning sickness will slowly start to fade after the first trimester. You will start to show and feel your baby move soon, so hang in there mama!

Congratulations again! Be sure to check out my 0-3 month and 3-6 month must-haves when you start creating your baby registry.

And when you’re ready my 2nd Trimester To-Do List and 3rd Trimester To-do List are available to help prepare you for the next two trimesters.


1 thought on “1st Trimester To-Do List

  1. Pingback: 3rd Trimester To-Do List | Wifey Chat

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