Mommy & Me Workouts You’ll Actually Do

Now that I am a mom, it is hard for me to make time to get to the gym. And most days, even if I had time I don’t have the energy. However, as a former college athlete and ex police officer I know the importance of staying healthy, to not only look good but also feel good.

I do not let that my tiredness or lack of time stop me from getting in a daily workout. Whether it is for 30 minutes in the morning, or in between activities during our busy day, I always find a way to move my body. Here are some workouts you can do at home with your little one, no matter how busy your day. My daughter always enjoys doing them with me and I love teaching her the important of health and fitness at a young age.

I am not a healthcare professional, just a mom trying to stay fit. Please consult your healthcare provider before attempting any workouts postpartum.

Be sure to save these pins for later, and share with a busy mommy who needs some motivation.